

Goosebumps Horror Land: Claws (Book 1) revolves around the characters of Mickey and Amanda. They both are looking after Bella, their neighbour’s cat, while their neighbours are on a vacation. It seems a simple enough job initially, because all Mickey and Amanda need to do is feed the cat enough and make sure that it doesn’t cause much damage to the house.

However, Bella makes her way out of the house and disappears without a trace. Mickey assumes that Bella was run over by a car, but no body is found. Amanda comes up with an idea of replacing the cat with a look-alike from Cat Heaven, the local cat store. To their surprise, they find a cat at the store which exactly resembles Bella, but the owner refuses to sell the cat to them. In such a situation, they decide to steal the cat. In the process, they lead themselves into further trouble, as these are no ordinary cats.

Goosebumps Horror Land: Claws (Book 1) is the first in the third arc of the Horrorland series. The third arc is entitled Hall of Horrors.

  • Publisher : Scholastic (1 January 2011)
  • Language : English
  • Pages: 160

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Weight .200 kg


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